Hey Brothers, here is an update what's happening in the upcoming weeks.
A few good things to remember and keep in prayer.
1. The next Ottawa Circle is Monday June 4th.
Still at Bethesda; note -- Summer Start time of 7:30pm. (not 7:00pm)
Carpool time has also changed to 6:50 at St Joe's.
Newcomers are welcome, feel free to invite a friend.
2. Ottawa has a contingent heading to New Mexico for the Men's Rites of Passage - this weekend.
Please pray for Joe Michniewicz (the younger), Andrew Campbell and Bart Sullivan (a new guy);
Actually today, at 3 pm our time, they'll be catching the bus up to Ghost Ranch.
(I miss that place! 18 years ago today - I was on that bus ... )
Go deep brothers!
3. Neil Purves hosts his annual 'ManUp' Retreat for over 100 young men at his high school - Immaculata.
We've gathered that many djembe drums for this special event and unique young mens circle.
This event is Monday May 28 ... prayers much appreciated.
4. Speaking of Djembes ... we get to borrow ours from the Bluesfest School of Music.
This month we (the circle) took action to get 3 of them fixed up; new skins and a tune up.
It's our contributions that make that happen. So thanks everyone! (it was $200)
5. If you're thinking of an MROP this year ... there's still a couple left - so you can make it happen.
> Chicago in August, and
> New York in September
These can be pricey (about $750 Cdn converted) but one can apply for a bursary on the City's website.
Sometimes the sites will give Canadians the retreat at par ... so about $550. ... but one has to request it.
Also New York is drivable (so that cut's down on additional travel costs)
6. Illuman ... we in Ottawa and some brothers from across Ontario,
are looking to deepen our affiliation with them, and our Illuman brothers across Canada.
Illuman is the organization founded by men like us, who, influenced by Rohr's mens work,
want to continue to offer a transformative spiritual journey for men -- across the world --
- which includes offering Richard's Rites of Passage.
Mark Bonnet, of Ottawa, has said yes to being the Contact guy for Illuman - Canada East.
In future emails (maybe later this week), I will -
a) invite you to sign up with Illuman Canada (we are starting a nation wide network)
it's been this network that connected us with Jim Mallen and Bart Sullivan in the past 3-4 months.
b) send you a copy of 'Drumbeat' - Illuman's Online Newsletter.
you can decide if you want to subscribe to it; I think it's free.
You can also do it now on Illuman's website
One final opportunity to consider --- connected to Rohr's work, and our Spiritual Seekers group - in Ottawa.
I'm looking to start a Rohr Improv group ... basically to 'play' around in Rohr's work,
towards creating dramas and / or rituals; trying to bring life to his ideas.
Some of these might come into use at our men's circle.
If you feel drawn to this kind of thing ... please let me know - which of the following dat
I'd like to have our first gathering next week -- Tues or Wed May 29 or 30th.
This will be a mixed event (men and women).
We will start with the 'Revolving Hall of Mirrors' (a.k.a. the prison of illusion and the false self.)
Have a great week,
and looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday June 4th out in the woods.
Deepest regards
Dave Perry