3 W's

Who What Why
 ... a primer to the Male Spirituality Circle of Ottawa (Ontario)

It began in February of 2012, and has gathered monthly since- the last Monday of the month.  It formed out of the the common experience and intuition that the inner journey for men has a different shape and language.  We wanted to create a place -  a sacred space - to express and explore the quest for the True Self - for men - in a language that made sense to men.

It emerged from a few years of discernment and is the collaborative fruit of:

  • It emerged from a few years of discernment and is the collaborative fruit ofseveral men who were friends and / or connected with the work of Richard Rohr (OFM);
  • It is currently facilitated by David Perry, a co-founder. 
  • The circle started gathering at  St Joe's Church, Ottawa
  • We have always enjoyed the rich presence of young adults and students who attend it or one of the nearby Universities or colleges.
  • Currently - we gather at Bethesda Renewal Centre (just west of Ottawa); there's nothing like being in out in nature and around a fire ...year round.
  • Rohr's Men's Work now carries on under the banner of Illuman;
        see our tab MROP & Illuman

The Circle is for ...
Men of all faiths, little or no faith; ages 18 & up are welcome.  Whether you're a student, teacher, professional, looking for work or meaning, single, father, grandfather, gay or straight.  The important thing is you're looking for something; and maybe what we're about  resonates with you.

Our roots are in a variety of faiths and movements; Christianity, Richard Rohr, Thomas Merton, St. Paul, AA movement, Jungian psychology, and the work of Robert Moore PHD.

Our God language tends to be Christo-centric; and we trust that we live as participants in the Big Mystery of Love.  Words and concepts - are just that; and there are no prizes for saying or believing the right ones; and there is no substitute for graced encounters - whether they be acts of charity; or moments of awakening and trust.

Most words or names for God are metaphors; and fortunately some are better than others.   Jesus used the metaphor of the Banquet, the Gracious Father, the Pearl of Great Price; the workers who came late in the day to the Vineyard ... all to talk about the kingdom of God.

The point is - we don't need to be too attached to our own stabs at words, no matter how eloquent - we'll settle for a spirit of gratefulness to the One who knows on our behalf.

The Circle, and the journey we explore, is not primarily a psychological exercise; so it's not a support group nor counselling nor even a self-help thing.  Transformation, we believe is a 'received' identity; and it's more a matter or waking up to the reality of who, we - in our deepest core - already are.

In Ottawa and beyond ... we endeavor to connect and collaborate with men of all stripes who have the same passion for liberation - and who are willing to take a deeper journey to get there.