Hey Brothers ...
Please reflect, in advance, on your experiences of life, love, family, friendship, work, service, prayer etc ...
Greetings in the spirit of freedom.
March, and Lent, offers lots of time to hang out, rest, fellowship, explore Grace, and "steal what we can, from the treasures of the Lord."
Hopefully there's an event - among those listed below - that you can tap into.
Feel free to pass this email along to anyone you think might be interested, or bring a friend along.
March, and Lent, offers lots of time to hang out, rest, fellowship, explore Grace, and "steal what we can, from the treasures of the Lord."
Hopefully there's an event - among those listed below - that you can tap into.
Feel free to pass this email along to anyone you think might be interested, or bring a friend along.
A Report -- This past weekend at Galilee Retreat Centre, several of our brothers joined forces with the men of another community; together we explored the Archetypes of the male psyche in light of passages from Jesus' life and teachings. It was a beautiful and rich retreat, and a great mix of fellowship and co-mingling of our various gifts. Thanks so much to Rev. Brian Cornelius and our new brothers at First United.
NEXT UP -- Males Spirituality Open Circle, all ages 18 - 78
> This Monday February 29th; 7:00pm - 9:15pm
> at Bethesda Renewal Centre - nature, fire, drumming, / carpools from St Joe's.
> at Bethesda Renewal Centre - nature, fire, drumming, / carpools from St Joe's.
> full details at MSOC next circle
> RSVP is required; and Notice of Car-pool participation (can drive / or / need a ride)
> Theme: "Waking Up to Grace" / or / "Being woken up by Grace"
Richard Rohr says that "only the soul can understand grace."
How, when and where do we experience Traces of Grace?
What are some keys to getting in the flow of Love?
Please reflect, in advance, on your experiences of life, love, family, friendship, work, service, prayer etc ...
Mini-Retreat for Spiritual Seekers - Saturday March 12th; 9:30am-12:30pm. (for all ages, men and women)
Theme is "Mysticism vs Moralism -- and the spirituality of St Francis." Session (3 hrs) is facilitated by Dave & Michelle. Young adults and students are most welcome.
Theme is "Mysticism vs Moralism -- and the spirituality of St Francis." Session (3 hrs) is facilitated by Dave & Michelle. Young adults and students are most welcome.
For Young Adult Men - Priere, Share et Biere (PSB) (under 35)
a) We just had a special Monday night edition of PSB and watched "The Matrix" Part 1 (last Monday Feb 22)
b) The next PSB & Matrix Movie nights - will be --
I. Thursday March 10 - showing Part I
II. Monday March 14 - showing Part II / finish (we added Monday night because it's a better night for some students)
II. Monday March 14 - showing Part II / finish (we added Monday night because it's a better night for some students)
For all St Joe's Young Adults -- Annual Retreat (mixed event) -- March 18-20th
with Michelle & Dave, and Fr. Ken
Click here for more info ... http://st-josephs.ca/2016-lent-young-adult-retreat/
This should be a great weekend away - also out in nature, at Bethesda.
So that's it guys ... blessings on your adventures of life, work, looking for work, love, and looking for love.
May we live conscious of God's power in us -- to bless and affirm everyone we meet - especially other men.
"God in me, I in God, that is my life,"
p.s. Footnotes, to give credit where credit is do.
"steal what we can from the treasures of the Lord" ... a song by Bruce Springsteen, called "Living Proof".
"God in me, I in God, that is my life," -- Motto for life, of Elizabeth of the Trinity.
"God in me, I in God, that is my life," -- Motto for life, of Elizabeth of the Trinity.
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